an nou, an 2018

New year, new resolutions and new projects for 2018

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New year, new resolutions and new projects for 2018

The arrival of 2018 has caught me far from Romania and from Europe. I celebrated the beginning of the new year on the beach, under the sun (actually under the moon 🙂 ), in Australia. It was the first time in my life when I spent winter holidays in a country where it was actually summer in December. I was a bit confused and happy at the same time. Things felt differently and everything was new.

Since I was very far from my everyday life and nothing was familiar to me, it was the perfect opportunity to take some time and think about the past, the present and the future.

The past

It’s been 4 years since I’ve started the blog with my friend, Andrada, and we’ve been promoting Romania in the country and abroad. 4 beautiful and challenging years since we’ve been:

made in romania, romanian blog

On December 25th I said goodbye to my first amazing 30 years of life and started my 31st 🙂 And you know what? I was very happy, didn’t feel stressed, anxious about the future nor old. I was in peace with myself and it felt great.


Many things have happened in my life in the past years, many changes have occured. I’ve become a “Mrs” and am no longer a “Miss”, I’ve moved into a new house, traveled, met new beautiful and interesting people, spent deliciously beautiful and happy moments with my friends and family. Professionnally, I’ve grown a lot over the past couple of years as well.

The past in few words: challenging, busy, happy, corporate

The present

The blog “Lively Romania” is international. Most of our articles are available both in English and Romanian and soon content will be created in French as well. Why? Because I know many French people interested in discovering Romania and because it is a francophone country that I would like to open to all French-speaking countries out there.

I feel confident about where I am at in life, both at a personal and professional level. And I feel ready to share my projects and ideas with the people around me who are interested in knowing more and who would maybe want to collaborate with me.

The present in few words: settled, confident, enthusiast about the future, happy

The future – 2018 and beyond

Lively Romania” will become trilingual: Romanian – English – French. This way, more people will have the opportunity to discover Romania and read, like or share our posts. We will of course continue to create quality and unique content about Romania, Romanian people, Romanian places and Romanian companies or businesses.

We also intend to make it collaborative and open it to guest blogging. So, people and bloggers out there, if you have content related to our editorial line, don’t hesitate to contact us and send us your texts!

I am very optimistic about the future and I really hope we will grow our community and develop some interesting partnerships so we can promote what the things and the people that need to be promoted in Romania.

The future in few words: daring, busy, compelling, surprising, amazing (I hope 🙂 )


PS : You can check out here the 12 most read posts on “Lively Romania” in 2017

  1. Some hiking to Curmătura Cottage
  2. Offering the right gifts… or the art of gifting
  3. I’m Romanian – Marinela
  4. Soleta – the house that brings a new lifestyle
  5. I’m Romanian -Ștefan Paraschiv
  6. I’m Romanian – Magda David
  7. Interview with Romanian graphic designer Alina Giorgiana Neag
  8. Laura Chiriță talks about fashion and women in Romania
  9. Biking in Romania: Brașov – Cheile Grădiștei
  10. Urzeală, an emblematic Romanian streetwear brand
  11. About Maria Dermengiu and metaphorical painting
  12. Pohh Shop: beautiful Romanian handmade toys & dolls

Français / Română

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  1. Pingback: Rezoluțiile și proiectele noi pentru anul 2018 - Lively Romania

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