Biking in Romania: Bison Reservation We all know that Romania isn`t the most perfect country to live in, we all know its cons and I think every Romanian faced, at least once, the corrupted system, the lack of justice or the deficient public system. But we`re […]
All posts by “Lively Romania”

The Alpine Sea of the Ceahlău Mountains
The Alpine Sea of the Ceahlău Mountains The first time I heard about the Alpine Sea was a couple of years ago, when one of my friends was lucky enough to see such an event in the Ceahlău Mountains. To be honest, at the beginning I didn`t […]

Traditional motifs are fashionable again
Traditional motifs are fashionable again Strangers often ask me about the typical Romanian customs, the aspects that make our country different. Usually, the questions are directed to the culinary aspects and people wish to try our traditional dishes. However, what inspires me the most about Romania […]

Andra Ojog plants eco-friendly thoughts in Romania, too
Andra Ojog plants eco-friendly thoughts in Romania, too We continue the series of portraits and interviews with a young woman from Botosani who succeeded in arousing the admiration of many people in the past years all over the country, both because of her physical appearance, but […]

Romania, an ambivalent country
Romania, an ambivalent country The year 2014 started with fireworks, champagne, wishes for happiness, health, prosperity. A year that theoretically started pretty well for Romanian people. Not for having won the lottery. But because of that optimism and hope that conquer our souls at the […]

Lucina Stud
Lucina Stud Beyond the hills of Transylvania, beyond the forests of Bucovina, in the far north of Romania, far away from everything, there is a little peaceful and quiet corner of nature where the birds sing, the horses play joyfully and time seems to have stopped. […]

Warm places for cold weather
Warm places for cold weather The winter has officially come so all the outdoor activities are now limited. If we leave aside skiing and snowboard breakaways and we stay in Bucharest, here are few indoor places we can enjoy: 1. Green Tea (tea house) It […]

Romanian faces
Romanian faces In the city or in small villages. On the street. In the park. Simply going to work or to school. Happy or sad. Curious. Furrowed. Smiley. Expressive. Or just.. Romanian. A small collage of Romanian faces. Natural. Simple. […]