A new way of recycling: Sigurec

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A new way of recycling: Sigurec

Not too long ago, a Japanese colleague was telling me about the strict way of recycling in Japan. Apparently, in Japan, not only people must recycle, but also, in order to benefit from the sanitation system, each citizen needs to sort and clean each waste separately. For example, a glass bottle it`s not only a glass bottle. Each component has to be sorted and separated: the glass itself, the label tag and the lid. And then, all these components are to be cleaned, dried and stored accordingly. Moreover, the final “outcome” has to be disposed in bags labelled with the name of the person who throws it away. If the person did not sort everything correctly, he/she may get a fine or even be refused the right to benefit from the sanitation system.

While listening to all these things, I was thinking of the Romanian way of storing garbage. On the street, behind the building, in lakes, rivers, on the street corners. And in the few so-called “recycling stations”, I remember always seeing plastic in the space designated for paper or vice versa.

Recycling in Romania with Sigurec

But now I am very excited to find out that somebody thought about this and made a first step by creating a proper recycling system! The first of its kind in Romania, Sigurec is not only a recycling service, but also the most modern service of taking and processing residual waste in Romania. And it is a real alternative to the regular garbage bins. It is a form of smart recycling.

The people who created this service thought about everything. The service is easy to use by signing in and downloading an app and. For each recycled object, people gain points/ vouchers which can be used or given. Several recycling corners are present everywhere across Romania (usually in the parking lots of big industrial retailers – Carrefour, Cora etc.). And there is even the option of a free “taxi” that can come and pick up the waste from home. On top of all, there is also a prize contest.

I really hope that this first step will develop some kind of environmental responsibility and eco-friendly behavior in Romania, too. If not as a way of respecting mother nature, at least because it`s incredibly easy and offers rewards in exchange.

All the details, locations and the option for downloading the Sigurec app can be found on www.sigurec.ro.

An honest “bravo” for Sigurec!


The Romanian version here

1 Comment so far

  1. Pingback: O nouă modalitate de reciclare: Sigurec - Lively Romania

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