Biking in Romania: Brașov-Cheile Grădiștei

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Biking in Romania: Brașov-Cheile Grădiștei

photo (1)Today`s route is going to be a little bit longer, so you`ll need about two days if you come from Bucharest. The biking trail starts from Brașov and ends in Cheile Grădiștei, after going through Poiana Brașov, Râșnov and Bran. The time needed is around 5 hours, but it depends on how fast you cycle as well. You should take a whole day, tough, taking in consideration the 500 m level difference and all the stops.

The whole trail is done on a main road, except the last 5 km. I have to admit that I`m not a fan of cycling on main roads, but here, the forest and the whole landscape make you forget about this inconvenience.

You can reach Brașov by both car and train. Nonetheless, I would recommend you to take the train, not only for a better flexibility, but also for the childhood feeling that it gives you. No traffic jam, no worries about finding a parking place, no stress about high consumption. Just you and your bike. And the feeling that you can go anywhere just cycling. Let`s forget about the daily worries, at least for a weekend or for a day!

There are trains to Brașov every hour, but for this trip I would suggest you to take either the inter-regio train which leaves at about 7am and takes about 2 hours, either the one which leaves at 6.20, if you want a lower price. The lower price mirrors a lower speed, obviously, which is not much faster than the cycling speed. But at least you save some energy. And money. 🙂 As the actual schedule may change from time to time, for the current train schedules you can have a look on the CFR website, here. Don`t forget to buy a bike ticket together with your ticket.


Brașov Rail station – Poiana Brașov – Râșnov – Bran – Moieciu – Cheile Grădiștei 

Total length: 46 km

Level difference: aprox. 500 m

Time: 5-6 hours

Equipment: helmet (mandatory), raiwear / raincoat, wind-stopper, spare wheel room + bike pump, spare T-shirts,  first layer or some polar, bike gloves, some energy food, water and, of course, your bike 🙂


traseu bv-cheile gradistei

Detailed map here.

As the track follows a main road, you can easily orientate. From Brașov Rail station you have to go first towards the city centre, then towards Poiana Brașov, on the main road. In Brașov there are plenty of indicators for Poiana Brașov, so it won`t be hard to find the right way. There are around 12 km of uphill to Poiana Brașov, but you`ll have some visual relaxation when cycling through the greeny forest so you might even forget a little that you are cycling uphill. From the car it may not seem so beautiful, but, when riding the bike, the visual impact is different. We even made some new friends, on our way.

photoRight at the entrance of Poiana Brașov, to the right, there is an indicator to Râșnov. From there, there are another 12km to Râșnov, which alternate uphill-downhill. The road keeps being amazing, still through the forest, having some glades from place to place.

Once you reach Râșnov, you have to take left, on E574 towards Bran. Here, unfortunately, the traffic is quite heavy. Besides this, we had some showers on the way, followed by some flat tyres. That`s why I always tell you to have some spare wheel rooms with you! 🙂




After you pass Bran, you`ll reach Moieciu. Here, you have to take left towards Moieciu de Sus – Cheile Grădiștei on a side road. There is an indicator for this road right beside Maria guesthouse, if I remember well. From now on, there are only 5 km left to Cheile Grădiștei and the road is neither paved, nor full of traffic.

Regarding the food and accommodation, Cheile Grădiștei offers both. We even met a new friend…


Have a nice ride!


The Romanian version here


  1. Pingback: Where to go in Romania - Lively Romania

  2. Pingback: Biciclind prin România: Brașov-Cheile Grădiștei - Lively Romania

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