Biking in Romania: picnic near Sighișoara

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Biking in Romania: picnic near Sighișoara

Sighișoara is that Romanian town where “you feel a if you weren’t in Romania”. In a good way, obviously. The bustle of foreigners, the medieval architecture, the friendly cafes, everything makes you feel that you are somewhere in western Europe, but still “home”. So many people, all so different – tourists, locals, Romanians from all over the country – seem to be a very well established community from the Medieval Age, where everyone knows everybody and they are all very friendly with each other. And all the beautiful colored little houses almost erase the grey traces of communism.

20130504_154636This time, the cycling route will become more of a perfect place for picnic, that kind of glade in the middle of the forest, known only by the local foresters. And by the wood thieves, of course.  🙂

The tour is quite short, having only 5-6 kilometers, so it`s the perfect time to unwind after you visited Sighișoara.

The starting point is Nicovalei street, which is right near the Fire Brigade Office from Sighișoara. The road starts to go up the hill, then straight into the forest. If you don`t divert from the main road, the glade will be easy to find, as it it found somewhere at the end of this road. The place can be recognized by the fact that somewhere in the middle of the glade, there is a small house. Probably abandoned, and this is the only house in the area. I attach a map for a better orientation but I strongly recommend to use Google Earth for more details.

traseu poienita

The way back can be done on the same track or you can take left into the forest in order to get to the  Sighișoara city center. But I have to say that it is more difficult to orientate in the forest. I drew on the map both tracks.

So, that`s the glade ! 🙂


20130503_131945And the forest road…


20130503_120544And a childhood friend … 🙂

20130503_143810Have a perfect picnic!


The Romanian version here


  1. Pingback: Biciclind prin România: picnic la Sighișoara - Lively Romania

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