I’m Romanian – Magda David 38yo Romanian, originary from Bârlad and living in Iaşi My studies oriented me towards the field of wearing apparel and leather designs. But I am most proud of my job as a mother of two extraordinary daughters! I don’t really […]
All posts filed under “I’M ROMANIAN”
“I’M ROMANIAN” is a campaign offering a new perspective on the perception of Romania. A campaign in the honour of dynamic Romanian people who do valuable and beautiful things in the country or abroad. People who are active and work to transform their dreams and ideas into reality. People who deserve consideration.
➥ Discover a series of portraits and self-portraits of normal people with high expectations from life and themselves. Romanian people with visionary or innovative thoughts, business men or business women, exemplary employees, craftsmen, artists, simple people with strong values and ideas.

I’m Romanian – Marinela
I’m Romanian – Marinela I am Marinela, but I answer to several different nicknames. People call me “Mari”, “Zamfir”, “Marlene” or “Marlenski”. I was born in a very small town in the county of Mehedinți, I grew up in Drobeta Turnu Severin and the city […]

I’m Romanian – Ștefan Paraschiv
I’m Romanian – Ştefan Paraschiv, law student originary from Constanța Frames I am writing from the cellars of my soul. Where the marginals and the marginalized are banished. Definitely, loneliness is an overwhelming cross. Yet how else to withstand compromise and wasted life lived amid […]

I’m Romanian – Laura Chiriță
I’m Romanian – Laura Chiriță Hi, I’m Laura Chiriță. I work as a fashion designer in Romania and have a PR spirit. I am a dog lover and I am also a volunteer in an animal protection association. My friends would probably describe me as a workaholic and […]

I’m Romanian – Alina Giorgiana Neag
Alina Giorgiana Neag, founder of OneGiraphe, a branding & design studio Proud to be Romanian! I grew up in a traditional family, with my grandparents living right in the heart of Bucovina County. They taught me to appreciate the smell of the fresh homemade bread, […]

I’m Romanian – Olimpia Melinte
Olimpia Melinte, Romanian born in Iași but currently living in Bucharest “Olimpia Melinte. Originary from Iași. Non-smoker. I enjoy reading books with a rigid spine; Eliade, Rebreanu, Cărtărescu or Chivu are only some of my favourite Romanian authors I read. Actress. I’ve started the artistic […]

I’m Romanian – Anca Ștefănescu
Anca Ștefănescu, Romanian “ Sylvia Plath once wrote: ‘I am wondering what did my hands do before touching you?’. I am now wondering what did my hands do before drawing? What does my hand draw? A drawing has a starting point, a beginning. Or at least the […]

I’m Romanian – Andra Ojog
Andra Ojog, Romanian from Botoşani, established in Bucharest A friend of mine who knows me even better than I do once told me that she appreciates me because I always know exactly what to do. I have very good instincts, I am smart and I put my […]

I’m Romanian – Viorel Ciurea
Viorel Ciurea, Romanian from Piatra-Neamț and currently established in Montreal My friends tell me that I have a rich imagination and I dream too much. Indeed, ever since I was a kid, I loved reading books. This passion made me yearn for exploration and seek what is […]

I’m Romanian – Maria Dermengiu
Maria Dermengiu, Romanian in Bucharest “I am a visual artist, meaning that I am both a painter and a designer. More of a painter at specific moments and more of a designer in other occasions, depending on the context and the mood. Thanks to my […]

I’m Romanian – Ana Puşcă
Ana Puşcă, Romanian in Paris “My name is Ana – that was the easy part when it comes to describing myself… I’ve been in Paris for 16 years now, where I have studied mathematics. I have a specialization in Financial Modeling and I’ve being working […]

Proud Romanians
We’re Romanians & we’re proud There have been many controversies regarding Romanians abroad. So many TV news, so many newspapers writing about them, so many rumors. Romania`s reputation has been considerably shaken. In most of the European countries, when one has to acknowledge his nationality and […]