Illustrations with a human touch: Liliana Arnaut

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Illustrations with a human touch: Liliana Arnaut

I think we have all heard about motivational speeches and motivational literature. Things that inspire us, positive thoughts, incentive words. Liliana Arnăut managed to combine all these things together with her passion for painting, creating some sort of motivational illustration.

There was a saying: “Do what  you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. Above all the joyful shapes, positive messages and bright colors, there is the joy of doing what you love and this is what Liliana wants to share with us through her art. 

A little about Liliana

My name is Liliana Arnaut and I am a visual artist. I began studying arts at the painting school in Orhei when I was 10 years old. After graduating, I decided to continue my studies in Bucharest. At the beginning I followed the classes of the Art School Nicolae Tonitza and then I had a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the National Art University. Now I can say that I am a happy person because my passion for arts became my profession.


A few words about your project.

My project was born naturally, from my passion for visual arts and words which always inspire me. I paint positive messages in which I can find myself or messages that I would enjoy read or that could influence the way I live my life. Then, my initial paintings are transformed in art prints, greetings cards, stickers, magnets, bags, colourful pillows etc. Through this project, that I started as soon as I have graduated in 2014, I want to spread as much love and peace around me as I can.


Inspiration for you.

I am inspired by the nature with all its flowers, birds and colours. I am inspired as well by the classical decorative art with its used colors and antic shapes.

Do you have a motto?

I don’t have a motto, but every time I paint a message I find myself in its content.

HalloWhat is the message you want to send through your illustrations?

I paint with passion beautiful thoughts in bright colours. My wish is to spread the same feelings that I experience while painting, I want my creations to be an emission of love and peace.

What makes your art different?

My art is a description (extension) of who I am. I’ve been reading motivational literature and personal development books since I was a teenager. My painting style developed naturally after so many years of work and studies.

But honesty on the paper sheet is what makes an artistic object original.


Artists you appreciate?

There are many new and old artists that I appreciate. What matters to me is how well the colors and messages are in resonance with my heart vibration.

The artist that inspired me to transform my passion in business was the Japanese Takashi Murakami.

Things that draw your attention?

It could be a leaf with an incredible green colour in the sunlight or a flower field. Simple things usually capture my attention.

 Where can we find your illustrations?

You can find my illustration on: and on the online shop:

The stories behind my work are available on: and

Some of my paintings can be found in a few physical shops: ROD. Carturesti Verona and Carusel (Bucharest), Mall Sun Plaza (Bucharest), Malika (Corbeanca), art-salon molDECO (Chișinău).


Your art abroad

Thanks to my customers, the project is travelling all around the world. In less than 2 years after its launch, my creations travelled in more than 20 countries in Europa, Asia, Africa, South America and North America. My dream is to spread love and peace in every country on our planet.

As I said previously, my paintings can now be bought as well in the shop art salon molDECO from Chișinău and I hope in the future to develop more collaborations abroad.


Any art fairs and interesting events this year? 

In March, a campaign took place on my online shop: ‘’With love for Sonia’’. 50% of all March sales were donated to Sonia Maria Association in order to help a 8 years old girl’s heart to beat.

I go to all sorts of fairs and events each month. I like to bond with the people who appreciate my work and of course to meet new friends.

Future development projects?

I recently started some new collaborations with big and internationally known companies, but you will discover soon all the details about these projects ;-).

Also, many new items based on my original paintings will be released this year.



The Romanian version here

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  1. Pingback: Ilustrație cu suflet: Liliana Arnăut - Lively Romania

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