Happy 8th March to all the women out there !

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Happy 8th March to all the women out there !

8 March, the International Women’s Day.

But not everybody celebrates this event. Some people believe it is ridiculous to have only one day out of 365 dedicated to women, while they are these amazing creatures worth celebrating each and every day for all their implication, love, understanding, compassion, ability to become mothers and care for their children, etc. Others would prefer having a celebration day dedicated to men as well. And there are also people who disapprove the cliché image of men offering flowers, chocolate or gifts to women.

On the other hand, however, some are happy and take full advantage of this day. They share a great time with the women in their lives, they thank them for their presence and involvement. They make them smile and help them feel truly appreciated and special.

I am not patronizing nor criticizing anybody, and I don’t really care about who’s right or wrong about this. People are free to spend this day as they want 🙂 .

Me, for instance, I have always celebrated this event and I will definitely continue to do so. In my mind & soul, I strongly believe that women are like flowers: they need light, sun, warmth and attention to open up, blossom and spread beauty, happiness, love and good positive vibes all around them.

women & flowers

Therefore, a “MERRY 8th MARCH!” to all the women out there !


The Romanian version here

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  1. Pingback: La mulți ani, femeie ! - Lively Romania

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