I’m Romanian – Anca Ștefănescu

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Anca Ștefănescu, Romanian

I ' m Romanian

“ Sylvia Plath once wrote: ‘I am wondering what did my hands do before touching you?’. I am now wondering what did my hands do before drawing?

What does my hand draw? A drawing has a starting point, a beginning. Or at least the illusion of a fresh beginning. I wake up in the morning and I start over knowing that each and every day carries the unknown in its heart.

Why does my hand draw ? When I am drawing, I am my own belonging, I only belong to myself. I was born in Bucharest and I grew up in Vădastra (Olt county) in the air of middle neolithic, in between pieces of ceramics that were thousands of years old. But this was only a beginning.

My name was Anca Ignătescu and now it is Anca Ştefănescu. And this is also only a beginning. Identity. Always searching for it. And it is not only my quest. The need for belonging? We belong to a country, a culture, a family, a child … a man? We belong to a God…? To somewhat or someone. Races, religions, countries and their boundaries. I don’t believe in boundaries, they are only in our minds. I believe in people. In what connects us and puts us apart from each other. In what we learn from each encounter, from each separation…

When I’m drawing, I belong to myself. But if no one looked at my hand … would any of this matter? … and I am moving forward. Finding my way amongst people, feelings and sensations. And I try to share with others everything I create. I draw, I don’t fix boundaries nor limits.

In September 2015 I have launched the brand ‘Colours of my life’. The colours of my life are the stories I’ve told through the brand products. You will find everything I did and lived, what brought me here for a new beginning. There are bracelets, belts, agenda covers and small objects that can bring some colour into someone else’s life. No matter the race, the culture. No matter the country. There are my works transposed on objects produced in small series. Limited editions because no matter where we come from and to whom we belong, we all want to be different. “


Website “Colours of my life” // Facebook “Colours of my life”

colours of my life

Link towards the campaign “I’m Romanian”

anca stefanescu

The Romanian version here

1 Comment so far

  1. Pingback: I'm Romanian - Anca Ștefănescu, romȃncă - Lively Romania

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